International travel vaccines are recommended to protect travelers from illnesses common in other parts of the world and to prevent the importation of infectious diseases across international borders. If you’re planning to travel outside of North America, you’ll want to be aware of special vaccination recommendations and requirements for the area you’ll be visiting. The Western UP Health Department can provide you with the counseling, medications, and vaccinations needed to enjoy healthy travels.
Appointment and Vaccination Fees:
The health department charges a travel counseling fee of $50 per individual or $75 per family for review of your itinerary and assessing the vaccinations required and recommended for your trip. This fee is not billable to insurance.
- Most insurance companies do not cover “travel” immunizations. Be prepared to pay for your counseling fee and immunizations on the day of your appointment
- It is your responsibility to know your health insurance coverage
- Due to the high cost of Japanese Encephalitis and Rabies vaccines, payment is required in advance of the vaccines being ordered.
International Travel Vaccines Available:
The following international travel vaccinations are available through the Western UP Health Department:
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Japanese Encephalitis
- Polio
- Rabies
- Typhoid
- Yellow Fever
- Malaria Prophylaxis also available
Please click to view the current fee schedule for vaccinations.
Which vaccinations do I need?
The vaccinations you need depends on a number of factors including your destination, whether you’ll be spending time in rural areas, the time of year you are traveling, your age, health status, and previous vaccination history. To learn about the recommendations specific to the country you’ll be visiting, click here to visit the CDC Travelers’ Health Destination Guide.
Yellow Fever Vaccine Shortage
At this time there is Yellow Fever vaccine shortage across the United States. This means that yellow fever vaccine supply is limited. For any planned trip to countries where there is a known risk of yellow fever virus transmission, further guidance should be obtained from your Local Health Department to determine yellow fever vaccine availability. Please plan accordingly and allow a minimum of 8 weeks prior to your departure to ensure you can receive all of your travel vaccines in a timely manner.
For further information regarding vaccines that are needed for travel and information on yellow fever vaccine please visit the CDC Travel Destinations List.
When should I get the vaccinations?
Because some vaccines must be given as a series, over a period of time and because it takes time for vaccinations to become effective in your body, you should schedule your vaccinations 4-6 weeks prior to date of travel.
To schedule an appointment for international travel vaccinations, please contact your local health department office at least 6 weeks prior to your departure.