SepticSmart Week, September 18 to 22, is a nationwide public education effort in conjunction with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), supported by state and local governments, private sector, communities, and academia, and has been recognized by a proclamation from Governor Gretchen Whitmer. This annual event focuses on educating homeowners and communities on the proper care and maintenance of their septic systems.
Onsite septic systems provide a cost-effective, long-term method for treating wastewater, particularly in sparsely populated areas. When properly designed, installed, operated, and maintained, these systems help protect public health, preserve valuable water resources, and maintain a community’s economic vitality.
The SepticSmart public education effort offers educational resources to homeowners, local organizations, and government leaders to explain how septic systems work and provide tips on how to properly maintain them. Organizations and individuals wishing to promote SepticSmart Week 2023 are encouraged to create public awareness about the event and share helpful tips such as:
- Have your septic tank inspected every three years and pumped, when necessary, typically every three to five years.
- Limit kitchen sink garbage grinder use and avoid pouring harsh products (e.g., oils, grease, chemicals, paint, and medications) down the drain.
- Do not flush anything besides human waste and toilet paper. Never flush products like baby wipes or other wet wipes, cat litter, cooking oil or grease, condoms, feminine hygiene products, and cigarette butts.
- Keep cars and other vehicles parked away from the septic tank and drainfield.
- Keep roof drains, sump pumps, and other rainwater drainage systems away from your septic tank and drainfield area.
- Repair plumbing leaks and use water efficient fixtures to avoid overloading the system.
- Spread laundry washing throughout the week.
Please join EGLE in spreading the SepticSmart Week 2023 message that encourages homeowners and wastewater professionals to maintain septic systems to promote public health, water conservation, and economic wellbeing. Be part of the solution by visiting the EGLE SepticSmart Web site or the EPA SepticSmart Web site for an abundance of resources, videos, and information.
Webinar: Knowing Your Septic System – SepticSmart 2023
Finally, EGLE’s Onsite Wastewater Program is kicking off SepticSmart Week with a one‑hour webinar, “Knowing Your SepticSystem – SepticSmart 2023,” on September 18 which will be recorded. While this event is targeted to homeowners served by a septic system, all interested persons are welcome to attend.
Webinar attendees will learn about:
- the basics of septic systems,
- tools on how to locate a septic system, and
- use, operation, and maintenance tips.